
Official Girls Hair Salon full hack free exe


Review=I have had this game for a long time and I lovvvvvveeeee it! It lets you curl and color and style their hair! You can pick out earrings and hats and all different details! It comes with 2 girls to style their hair, hairspray (colored), earrings, hats, scarfs, details, curling iron, waving iron, straight iron, soap, water, towel, comb, hair dryer, and lots more! You can even pay only five dollars to buy 40 accessories! Like four more customers and lots of more colors and details! The only complaint is that you can’t make a pony tail. But that’s ok because it is the the best game EVA! / subtitle=Hairstyle games for kids / Publisher=Pazu Games Ltd / size=28781 KB / game Info=Child-Friendly / devices=apple ipad / Publish dates=2014-09-25.

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Official Girls Hair salons.

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